Bolt Event

The event object that will be POSTed to your hooks has the following schema:

    "name": String, //the name of the event
    "body": Object, //the actual payload of the event
    "bolt": {
        "address": String //the 'BOLT_ADDRESS' environment variable for the Bolt instance that published this event
    "dispatchTime": Date, //the time the event was sent to a subscriber (may be different for different subscribers)
    "publisher": String, //the name of the app that raised the event
    "time": Date, //the time the event was raised by the publisher
    "token": String //identifies this instance of event object

Every instance of an event object has a token field whose value matches the app token of the app to which it is dispatched. Using the token of the event object, you can verify if that event object was actually sent from Bolt before proceeding. To check if the event object is genuinely from Bolt, see if its token matches your app token. This works with the assumption that the only other entity that should know your app token is Bolt.

The bolt field of the event object is only present if the event is being dispatched to a web hook. Such a web hook can then check the bolt.address field to know the (web) address of the Bolt instance that published the event.

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