User Events

These are the events raised by the /api/users endpoints.

The following events are described here:


This event is raised when a user is created.

event object

A standard Bolt event.

    "name": String, //the name of the event, in this case 'user-created'
    "body": Object, //an object representing the user that has just been created
    "publisher": String //the name of the app that published, in this case 'bolt'


This event is raised when a user is deleted.

event object

A standard Bolt event.

    "name": String, //the name of the event, in this case 'user-deleted'
    "body": Object, //an object representing the user that has just been deleted
    "publisher": String //the name of the app that published, in this case 'bolt'


This event is raised when a user logs into Bolt.

event object

A standard Bolt event.

    "name": String, //the name of the event, in this case 'user-logged-in'
    "body": Object, //an object representing the user that has just logged in
    "publisher": String //the name of the app that published, in this case 'bolt'


This event is raised when a user logs out of Bolt.

event object

A standard Bolt event.

    "name": String, //the name of the event, in this case 'user-logged-out'
    "body": Object, //an object representing the user that has just logged out
    "publisher": String //the name of the app that published, in this case 'bolt'


This event is raised when a user is updated.

event object

A standard Bolt event.

    "name": String, //the name of the event, in this case 'user-updated'
    "body": Object, //an object representing the user that has just been updated
    "publisher": String //the name of the app that published, in this case 'bolt'

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