
This module installs the /api/db endpoints which allows apps to use the same database Bolt uses to store their objects. This means apps don't need their own separate databases.

To install this module, navigate to the Bolt endpoint /install, and type in bolt-module-db as the app name. Go ahead and click Download (or Sideload, as the case may be). Take care to install this module as a system app.

This app is marked as a module, meaning (among other things) that it defines no user interface. Its installation registers the routers that respond to the requests sent to the /api/db endpoints.

Some of the endpoints exposed by this module raise events that are dispatched only to the app whose collection is being affected at that point in time.

The following endpoints are described here:

DELETE: /api/db

Drops an app's database.

To drop another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you want to drop your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be dropped
    "db": String //(optional) same as the app field above


If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold an boolean value of true (for a successful drop) or false.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-db-dropped will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose database was dropped
    "result": Boolean //the result of the operation, typically 'true'

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-db-drop-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose database was to be dropped
    "error": Object //the error object


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To drop a database, an app must be the owner of the database.

DELETE: /api/db/<collection>

Drops a collection in the app's database.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String //(optional) same as the "app" field above


If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold an boolean value of true (for a successful drop) or false.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-collection-dropped will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was dropped
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was dropped
    "result": Boolean //the result of the operation, typically 'true'

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-collection-drop-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was to be dropped
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was to be dropped
    "error": Object //the error object


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To drop a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of the tenants of the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/find

Finds all the objects in the specified collection matching the given query.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "query": Object, //specifies selection filter using MongoDB query operators
    "map": Object, //(optional) specifies the fields to return using MongoDB projection operators
    "projection": Object //(optional) same as "map" above

You can also specify the selection filter of this operation in the query portion of the URL. For instance, to find all students with admission_status of active, the path could be:



If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold an array of objects matching the specified query.


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To read from a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of theguestsof the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/findone

Finds the first object in the specified collection matching the given query.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "query": Object, //specifies selection filter using MongoDB query operators
    "map": Object, //(optional) specifies the fields to return using MongoDB projection operators
    "projection": Object //(optional) same as "map" above

You can also specify the selection filter of this operation in the query portion of the URL. For instance, to find the student with name of frank, the path could be:



If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold the object matching the specified query.


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To read from a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of theguestsof the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/insert

Inserts an object or an array of objects into the specified collection.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "object": Object | [Object], //an object or array of objects to insert


If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold a MongoDB WriteResult object for single inserts or BulkWriteResult object for bulk inserts.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-collection-inserted will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was affected
    "result": Object, //the object returned from MongoDB, typically a WriteResult or BulkWriteResult object
    "meta": {
        "object": Object //the object that was inserted

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-collection-insert-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was to be affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was to be affected
    "error": Object, //the error object
    "meta": {
        "object": Object //the object that was to be inserted


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To write to a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of thetenantsof the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/remove

Removes an array of objects from the specified collection.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "query": Object, //specifies deletion criteria using MongoDB query operators

You can also specify the deletion criteria of this operation in the query portion of the URL. For instance, to remove all students with admission_status of expelled, the path could be:



If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold a MongoDB WriteResult object.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-collection-removed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was affected
    "result": Object, //the object returned from MongoDB, typically a WriteResult object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-collection-remove-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was to be affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was to be affected
    "error": Object, //the error object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To write to a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of thetenantsof the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/replace

Updates an array of objects from the specified collection by deleting all their existing fields and replacing them with the fields in the values object.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "query": Object, //specifies selection criteria using MongoDB query operators
    "values": Object, //the modifications to apply
    "upsert": Boolean, //(optional) if true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria
    "multi": Boolean //(optional) if true, updates multiple documents (not just one) that meet the query criteria

You can also specify the selection criteria of this operation in the query portion of the URL. For instance, to replace all students with admission_status of expelled, the path could be:



If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold a MongoDB WriteResult object.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-collection-replaced will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was affected
    "result": Object, //the object returned from MongoDB, typically a WriteResult object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object, //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request
        "values": Object, //same as the 'values' that was specified in the request
        "options": {
            "upsert": Boolean, //same as the 'upsert' that was specified in the request
            "multi": Boolean //same as the 'multi' that was specified in the request

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-collection-replace-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was to be affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was to be affected
    "error": Object, //the error object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object, //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request
        "values": Object, //same as the 'values' that was specified in the request
        "options": {
            "upsert": Boolean, //same as the 'upsert' that was specified in the request
            "multi": Boolean //same as the 'multi' that was specified in the request


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To write to a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of thetenantsof the collection.

POST: /api/db/<collection>/update

Updates an array of objects from the specified collection by updating the values of their existing fields with the values of the corresponding fields in the values object. Unlike /api/db/<collection>/replace which wipes out all the existing fields of the matching objects, this method only touches fields in the matching objects which have counterparts in the values field of the request object.

If dealing with another app's database, specify the app's name in the app or db field of the request body. In the absence of these fields Bolt will assume you are dealing with your own database.


A standard Bolt request.

    "app": String, //(optional) name of the app whose database is to be affected
    "db": String, //(optional) same as the "app" field above
    "query": Object, //specifies selection criteria using MongoDB query operators
    "values": Object, //the modifications to apply
    "upsert": Boolean, //(optional) if true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria
    "multi": Boolean //(optional) if true, updates multiple documents (not just one) that meet the query criteria

You can also specify the selection criteria of this operation in the query portion of the URL. For instance, to update all students with admission_status of expelled, the path could be:



If there is no error during the processing of the request, the body field of the response should hold a MongoDB WriteResult object.


If the operation succeeds, the event bolt/app-collection-updated will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was affected
    "result": Object, //the object returned from MongoDB, typically a WriteResult object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object, //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request
        "values": Object, //same as the 'values' that was specified in the request
        "options": {
            "upsert": Boolean, //same as the 'upsert' that was specified in the request
            "multi": Boolean //same as the 'multi' that was specified in the request

If the operation fails, the event bolt/app-collection-update-failed will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //name of the app whose collection was to be affected
    "collection": String, //name of the collection that was to be affected
    "error": Object, //the error object
    "meta": {
        "query": Object, //same as the 'query' that was specified in the request
        "values": Object, //same as the 'values' that was specified in the request
        "options": {
            "upsert": Boolean, //same as the 'upsert' that was specified in the request
            "multi": Boolean //same as the 'multi' that was specified in the request


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

To write to a collection in a database, an app must either be the owner of the database or must be listed as one of thetenantsof the collection.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""