Scoped Apps

npm allows packages to be scoped. The scope of a package serves as a form of namespace, and helps to avoid name conflicts amongs modules with popular names. The scope of the package is usually the name of the company that owns that package.

When Bolt downloads a scoped app it proceeds to flattening out the app before actually installing it. For instance, if there is a scoped app named @company/app, the app will be downloaded into node_modules/@company/app. Bolt cannot directly work with scoped apps, so it flattens it to node_modules/app@company. The name field of the package.json also gets changed from @company/app to app@company. After this flattening is done, Bolt then installs the app as usual.

Note that to download a scoped app, use its original name @company/app.

Currently Bolt cannot read the README file of scoped apps, and throws an error after installation (even though the app installs properly).

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