
This module installs the /api/notifications endpoints. These endpoints are responsible for raising notification events that apps can listen to in order to create real-time notifications.

To install this module, navigate to the Bolt endpoint /install, and type in bolt-module-notifications as the app name. Go ahead and click Download (or Sideload, as the case may be). Take care to install this module as a system app.

This app is marked as a module, meaning (among other things) that it defines no user interface. Its installation registers the routers that respond to the requests sent to the /api/notifications endpoints.

The following endpoints are described here:

POST: /api/notifications

Send a request to this endpoint in order to raise a notification. A notification may be just a transient toast, a permanent notification item, or both.


A standard Bolt request. All the fields are optional (this may change in the future).

    "buttons": [Object], //an array of buttons on the notification item
    "message": String | Object, //the message of the notification
    "options": {
        "sticky": Boolean, //if true, the notification does not disappear even when the close button is clicked
        "transient": Boolean //if true, the notification is not persisted in the database
    "query": String, //the query to be appended to the URL of the app that made this request
    "route": String, //the route to be appended to the URL of the app that made this request
    "sound": {
        "location": String, //the path to a sound file (probably on the file system or a URL)
        "loop": Boolean, //(default false) if true, plays the sound in a loop
        "duration": Number | String, //duration (in milliseconds) for which the loop is to last
    "subject": String, //the subject of the notification
    "to": Object, //the users (or groups) to which the notification is to be sent
    "toast": {
        "message": String, //the message to be shown on the toast
        "duration": Number | String, //duration (in milliseconds) for which the toast is to last
    "type": String //the type of notification, possible values are: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'error'

buttons is an array of buttons on the notification item. Each button object has the following schema:

    "type": String, //possible values: 'link', 'phone', 'postback'
    "text": String, //the text to appear on the button
    "data": String //the URL (for type='link'), phone number (for type='phone') or postback data (for type='postback')

If the button is of type link, clicking on it will redirect to the URL formed from the data field (currently, it is expected that the URL be absolute, although relative paths may be supported in the future). If the button is of type phone, clicking on it will attempt to make a call to the phone number formed from the data field. If the button is of type postback, clicking on it will raise an event called bolt/notification-postback which the app that owns the notification can listen for. Examining the body of the bolt/notification-postback event, the app can tell exactly what button a user clicked, and react accordingly. The bolt/notification-postback event has the following event body:

    "notification": Object, //the original notification object from which the post-back resulted
    "postback": {
        "notification_id": String | Number, //the _id of the original notification
        "data": String //the data of the postback button that was clicked
    "user": Object //the user that clicked the postback button

Note that the postback event for a particular notification is fired only at the app that raised that notification.


message can either be a simple String or an Object. When message comes as a Object, it has the following schema:

    "type": String, //the message type, possible values are 'text', 'audio', 'file', 'image', 'video', 'page'
    "data": String //the text (for type='text') or URL (fo other message types) of the message

When message comes as a String, like "message": "hello world", it is converted to an Object with type set to text:

    "type": "text",
    "data": "hello world"

Note that notifications without message fields are not persisted in the database.

query and route

Typically a notification item (or a button on the item) can be clicked. When clicked, the user should be redirected to the root URL of the app that created the notification. If you want to add an endpoint to that URL, specify it with the route field. If you want to add a query to that URL, specify it with the query field.


You can specify who gets a notification. There are two ways of doing this (and they may not be used together): by specifying a list of users that are to get the notification, and by specifying a list of roles whose members are to get the notification.

To specify a list of users to get the notification, put their usernames in a users array, as shown below:

"to": {
    "users": ["frank", "jenny001", "sam007"]

To specify a list of roles whose members are to get the notification, put the names of the roles in a roles array, as shown below:

"to": {
    "roles": ["parent", "teacher", "student"]

Any user who has any of the specified roles will get the notification.


The event bolt/notification-posted will be fired with the following event body:

    "app": String, //the name of the app that owns this card
    "buttons" : String, //same as above
    "from": { //basic info about the user from which this notification was sent
        "name": String, //the username of the 
        "displayName": String, //the display name of the user
        "displayPic": String, //the display pic of the user
    "message": {
        "type": String, //the message type, possible values are 'text', 'audio', 'file', 'image', 'video', 'page'
        "data": String //the text (for type='text') or URL (fo other message types) of the message
    "options": Object, //same as above
    "query": String, //same as above
    "route": String, //same as above
    "subject": String, //same as above
    "time": Date, //the date-time when the notification was created
    "to": Object, //same as above
    "toast": Object, //same as above
    "type": String //same as above


Always include the X-Bolt-App-Token custom header in the request.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""